PLYC Empowering Communities Since 1986
PLYC deals with sensitive issues of violence against women, girls and children, within the broader domain of reproductive health programming. Over the period of last 30 years PLYC has worked with multiple range of stakeholders, irrespective of their religion and ethnicity, in all the provinces of Pakistan and owns a noteworthy goodwill among its wider network across the country
Core Ideology

Dr. Qaiser Javed
Chief Executive Office
Building a Vibrant and Inclusive Society 27 Years of Service
By the grace of Allah Almighty, PLYC has successfully completed its 27th Year of community services and has laid the foundation of a vibrant society by expanding its presence across the country to serve the underprivileged. PLYC has positively impacted disadvantaged communities through direct service delivery and advocacy for their civic rights. These achievements have been made possible by the dedication and commitment of its motivated team and volunteers. Since its inception in 1993, PLYC has adopted a holistic approach to community development, addressing issues related to health, education, peace promotion, human rights, gender equity, and livelihoods. We believe it is vital to develop human resource capacity to mobilize and utilize resources effectively for sustainable change. PLYC is committed to safeguarding social norms, religious values, and cultural traditions while executing development initiatives in diverse communities.
Celebrating Community Empowerment Since 1993
Since inception from 1993 Pakistan Lions Youth Council has been carrying out community development programs with commitment, mandated under its Charter and in a sustained manner. PLYC considers community development a holistic activity, encompassing all spheres of life necessary for their empowerment and for the healthy socio-economic growth. PLYC has achieved great milestones in all aspects of social services. We have learned from experience that a community only thrives when there is kindness, justice, equity, and inclusion. As we begin serving the community, we celebrate the accomplishments and progress that have only been possible because of all of our stakeholders. We are inspired by current and former trustees.

Dr. Aman Afzal