PLYC’s non-formal education program aims to uplift underprivileged children and adults through tailored education models. The project established 39 non-formal education centers and 15 adult literacy centers, targeting out-of-school children and adults in remote areas.
Over 1,175 children involved in labor were enrolled in these schools, receiving monthly stipends of PKR 2,000 along with uniforms and books. PLYC also trained 500 teachers on modern teaching methodologies, ensuring better learning outcomes. The initiative addressed 73 missing facilities in schools by mobilizing community resources to enhance infrastructure.
Key Numbers:
- 39 non-formal education centers established.
- 15 adult literacy centers established.
- 1,175 children enrolled.
- 500 teachers trained.
Impact Timeline:
2000 – Ongoing
- Literacy Department, Government of Punjab